Klara Meinhardt and Claudia Piepenbrock in
»In The Making« at Reiter Berlin prospect
9 September—26 November 2016

04/04 «»
Claudia Piepenbrock: gravitation, 2014, paper-mâché, metal, walking sticks, 120 x 70 x 60 cm [left]; 
Mattress, 2015, foam, 200 x 280 x 10 cm [right] /Courtesy Josef Filipp Galerie
Claudia Piepenbrock: gravitation, 2014, paper-mâché, metal, walking sticks, 120 x 70 x 60 cm [left];
Mattress, 2015, foam, 200 x 280 x 10 cm [right] /Courtesy Josef Filipp Galerie
Carsten Goering,
Hans Aichinger,
Andreas Grahl,
Steffen Junghans,
Guillaume Lachapelle,
Klara Meinhardt,
Sebastian Neeb,
James Nizam,
Claudia Piepenbrock,
Sebastian Schrader,
Claus Georg Stabe,
Wanda Stolle,
Clemens Tremmel 

R E I T E R | Berlin prospect
Potsdamer Straße 81b
D-10785 Berlin

Wednesday—Saturday 11am—6pm
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